As an IB candidate school, most of the teaching and learning community at NJIS is new to the IB PYP. The PYP coordinator, Ezra Alexander shares, “We’re a staff that’s almost completely new to the PYP programme, so our first step is really figuring out what the International Baccalaureate is, and how do we implement an inquiry driven programme around this curricular framework.” To meet the needs of their community, the leadership team was looking for a platform that could streamline all teaching and learning practices, help build a common understanding of the IB and simplify the authorization process. This was when a few teachers within the school came across Toddle. With just one week left before the new academic session, the team booked their demo with Toddle and, in the words of Ezra, “the rest is history!’
Developing a shared understanding of the PYP
As a community new to the IB PYP, Toddle provided all the stakeholders of NJIS with a common understanding of the Primary Years Programme. Ezra shares, “One of the first features that stood out to us on Toddle was the guided PYP planners. For a team new to the PYP, the in-built guiding prompts from IB documents support us through every step of the process, and help us plan meaningful inquiries, all while deepening our understanding of the curriculum.”
As an all-in-one platform, Toddle enabled collaborative planning, student portfolios, report creation, and family communication from just one user-friendly interface. “We now have a common language within the NJIS community. Our students, teachers and parents, everyone has only one place to go. We can send out our daily announcements, publish learning experiences, collect evidence on-the-go, create visual report cards and collaborate together to plan our units. With all of us working on an intuitive platform such as Toddle, we’ve seen the different strands of teaching and learning in the PYP come together seamlessly.”
Facilitating real-time collaborative planning
For a community transitioning to a new curriculum, the shift to virtual learning due to the pandemic added to the complexity, and made collaboration even more challenging. NJIS wanted a platform that could facilitate collaboration in real-time and make the community feel connected during distance learning. On Toddle, the teaching teams at NJIS could tag each other, leave comments and collaboratively fill the planner, without the fear of losing any data. Ezra shares, “I really like that we can have our homeroom teachers and our specialist teachers be a part of one class. The PE teacher, the language teacher, the music teacher and art teacher can go into the units of inquiry and enter their own learning experiences which we can all see in real time.”
Streamlining the authorization process
As an IB candidate school, NJIS wanted to ensure that they are able to effectively meet all curricular requirements. Ensuring vertical and horizontal alignment within the curriculum was one such aspect. Ezra elaborates, “As a PYP coordinator, I am able to collaborate with my team and get insights on horizontal and vertical alignment in an ongoing manner. I can see the different elements of the PYP in one place and get a quick view of what we need to prioritize at each grade level. What would earlier need a conference room and sheets of paper on the wall, is now available in a consolidated form at my fingertips.”
By using Toddle as their teaching and learning platform, NJIS was able to streamline their evidence for the authorization process. Ezra shares, “With Toddle, evidence collection at NJIS has become a part of the school culture. There’s all these amazing educational platforms out there but the best thing about Toddle is that it is a one stop solution that allows you to document your unit plans and create student portfolios. All of this evidence is beautifully organized and our evidence bank keeps growing every single day. The biggest benefit that I have heard PYP Coordinators share is that you can hand over all of this well-organized evidence to the IB visiting team and they love it!

About Toddle
Toddle is the leading teaching-learning platform for IB PYP, MYP & DP schools worldwide. 40,000+ educators across 1500+ schools from 100+ countries love Toddle. Developed by experienced educators, Toddle streamlines planning, portfolios, assessments, reports, and online learning – all from one intuitive interface. Through Toddle Community, educators from around the world can collaborate with each other for sharing best practices and teaching-learning resources.
Book a demo with us today to discover why thousands of schools love Toddle. You can book it here.