Over the course of their CAS journey, students reflect on and demonstrate their achievement of seven learning outcomes as identified below:
- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
These learning outcomes serve as a yardstick for students to measure their own involvement with their CAS experiences and projects, and allow them to enhance their personal and interpersonal skills outside of their classrooms. For every CAS experience or project a student undertakes, they are required to gather evidence of the learning outcome(s) they have achieved in the process. Not every learning outcome will be checked off with each experience or project that a student undertakes. However, over the course of the CAS programme, students are required to demonstrate achievement of each of the seven outcomes at least once. Take a look at this sample student evidence and reflection for learning outcome 1: Identify own strengths and areas for growth.
Brief description of the CAS experience
Preparing for, and participating in a half marathon was a new experience for this student. It allowed the student to capitalize on their strengths while also identifying areas in which they needed to improve.
Student Reflection
I have always been a good runner, and I have had a lot of success representing my school in cross-country running, which I enjoy. I decided to run a half marathon around a lake near where I live every September. My goal was to run 21 kilometers, which is twice as far as I had previously run in a single race.
I looked up how to train for it on the internet and devised a plan that I followed for three months. My biggest challenge was developing the stamina to complete it. The day of the race was scorching hot, and I was struggling after 12 kilometers, but I overcame my desire to quit and managed to finish the race. It was a tremendous accomplishment that assisted me in overcoming a physical and mental barriers.
Certificate of achievement for the “Lakes Half Marathon”

For more samples of student achievement and reflection, download this resource!

CAS completion requirements
Coordinators are required to regularly track students’ progress against the CAS requirements. Completion status of these requirements needs to be communicated to the IB by June 1st (for May session) or December 1st (for November session) on IBIS (the IB’s exam system). When tracking student progress, the following should be ensured: