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Additional (related) concepts are often treated as mystical elements of the PYP. Most PYP educators wonder where additional concepts come from and how to use them! Experienced PYP educator and workshop leader, Maggie Hos-McGrane unpacks additional concepts with strategies and lists that will become your go-to. Use this tool during collaborative meetings, workshops, and planning sessions to come to a shared understanding of these building blocks aka additional concepts.

Strategies to unpack additional concepts Concepts:

  1. Strategies to effectively map additional concepts across Transdisciplinary themes and National and State curriculums
  2. List of Additional concepts across Transdisciplinary Themes and subject areas
Maggie Hos-McGrane
Experienced Educator and Workshop Leader

Up next: Related articles, talks and more

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Disclaimer - This resource has been produced independently of and not endorsed by the IB. Toddle’s resources seek to encourage sharing of perspectives and innovative ideas for classroom teaching & learning. They are not intended to be replacements for official IB guides and publications. Views and opinions expressed by the authors of these resources are personal and should not be construed as official guidance by the IB. Please seek assistance from your school’s IB coordinator and/or refer to official IB documents before implementing ideas and strategies shared within these resources in your classroom.
Maggie Hos-McGrane
Maggie has been an educator for over 30 years, 25 of these in international schools in Europe and Asia. She has taught students from age 3 to 18 in the IB PYP, MYP and DP programmes. Maggie has presented at international conferences including ISTE, Learning2, ECIS, AASSA and EARCOS, in Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America. She is passionate about the power of coaching to transform teaching and learning in schools. Maggie is a Google Innovator and has published several books about digital citizenship and technology integration as well as a recent book about coaching your colleagues in school. Maggie’s blog, Tech Transformation, has been read by over a million educators worldwide. In 2012 Maggie was recognized as one of the 365 heroes of education by Anthony Salcito, the Vice-President of Worldwide Education at Microsoft.
Concept-based Learning, Curriculum Planning
Your Go-To List of PYP additional(related) concepts
When leading PYP workshops or consulting with schools I’m often asked about the difference between specified (key) concepts and additional (related) concepts and the role they play in planning a unit of inquiry. Many teachers are familiar with the seven specified concepts, but they often don’t understand where additional concepts come from and how to use them as building blocks for their units.In this resource, I have shared strategies to help teachers and teaching teams get comfortable with additional concepts! Use this guide with your planning teams to develop units of inquiry and build a shared understanding of additional concepts across Transdisciplinary themes.