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The IB Approaches to Learning are 5 interrelated skills aimed to support children of all ages to become self-regulated learners who know how to ask meaningful questions, set effective goals, and pursue their aspirations with the determination to achieve them. We can foster and support the development of these skills by providing opportunities through authentic learning experiences. With this lens, we created challenges that can be used in school and at home, for children to build Approaches to Learning skills by exploring diverse domains.

In this collection, children explore everything from space to morse code and mindfulness to music, from storytelling to machines and yoga to journalism – we’ve got opportunities for everything!

You’ll learn:

  • 5 thinking skills challenges that give learners the opportunity to generate, analyse and evaluate ideas, consider new perspectives, and flex their metacognitive skills.
  • 5 research skills challenges that encourage children to formulate and plan, gather data, synthesize and interpret, and apply technology.
  • 5 social skills challenges for students to focus on collaborating, using self-control, managing setbacks and becoming more empathetic.
  • 5 self-management skills challenges that provide learners with opportunities to set goals, use time effectively, demonstrate persistence, and practice positive thinking.
Parita Parekh
Co-founder and Head of Learning, Toddle

Up next: Related articles, talks and more

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Disclaimer - This resource has been produced independently of and not endorsed by the IB. Toddle’s resources seek to encourage sharing of perspectives and innovative ideas for classroom teaching & learning. They are not intended to be replacements for official IB guides and publications. Views and opinions expressed by the authors of these resources are personal and should not be construed as official guidance by the IB. Please seek assistance from your school’s IB coordinator and/or refer to official IB documents before implementing ideas and strategies shared within these resources in your classroom.
Parita Parekh
Parita is the head of learning at Toddle and the bridge between teachers & engineers. She is a passionate early years educator who co-founded Toddler’s Den - a network of Reggio-inspired play-based preschools. She studied at Brown University and Stanford University.
Approaches to Learning Skills, Inquiry-based Learning
IB PYP Approaches to Learning Challenges
The IB Approaches to Learning are 5 interrelated skills aimed to support children of all ages to become self-regulated learners who know how to ask meaningful questions, set effective goals, and pursue their aspirations with the determination to achieve them. We can foster and support the development of these skills by providing opportunities through authentic learning experiences. With this lens, we created at-home challenges for children to build Approaches to Learning skills by exploring diverse domains.In this collection, children explore everything from space to morse code and mindfulness to music, from storytelling to machines and yoga to journalism – we’ve got opportunities for everything!