About the Talk
None of us could have imagined that a global crisis such as the COVID-19 would cause schools to close with only a few days’ notice. But it did! This brought school leaders to the fore, requiring rapid decision making, deployment of resources, development of systems, and transition of teaching and learning practices into a whole new environment. As time has progressed, short term thinking has given way to long term plans and communities under stress are constantly looking towards their leadership teams for answers. In order to support schools transitioning from physical to virtual learning, and to synthesise learning in case of future needs, this panel reflects on their experiences and shares considerations on decision making, balancing priorities, and caring for their communities. This panel discussion focuses on areas such as, practical preparations, community wellbeing and rebalancing learning opportunities to facilitate the diverse experiences of the returning learners.
Highlights from the Panel Discussion
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic,
- Considerations on decision making, balancing priorities, and caring for school communities
- Practical preparations to rebalance learning opportunities and facilitate the diverse experiences of the returning learners