About the Talk
In this webinar, Mihai deep dives into the role and priority of the Physical Education teacher – to ensure that students are provided with learning opportunities to practice, create, apply, and evaluate their knowledge, understanding, and skills. He provides ready-to-use strategies and examples to plan and implement effective PE learning experiences within or outside of Transdisciplinary Units of Inquiry.
In this webinar, you will learn to provide ongoing and explicit opportunities to learn about movement, with movement! Mihai’s PE learning experiences, strategies, and ideas can be used by teachers in any learning environment – be it remote, hybrid, blended, or in-person. You can read Mihai’s in-depth blog about Physical Education in the Virtual PYP Classroom here.
Things You’ll Learn
- Explore the similarities and differences between face-to-face and online PE sessions
- Take away strategies and activities to support goal setting in PE
- Get access to exercise routines and energizers for your classroom
- Discover learning experiences to nurture team building in your classroom
- Learn how to integrate PE in every unit of inquiry
- Get access to Mihai’s Physical Education learning experiences on Toddle Community.