Toddle's Inquiry Educators Summit 2021

Frequently Asked Questions

01 I want to attend a session but I can’t make it at the time. Will I be able to see the session recordings later?

We’re trying our best to record all sessions for you to watch after the event. However, Keynotes by Alfie Kohn and Trevor MacKenzie, and the Master Class by Ron Ritcchart will only be available for 2 weeks post the event. Others shall be shared per recording quality.

It would hence be great if you could register to join us live and be part of the learning!

Most sessions will be recorded and available though so do register to get access.

02 I can’t find any details about the registration fee for TIES 2021. What should I do?

TIES 2021 is free of charge to attend. It is our way of showing you appreciation for all that you do as educators!

03 I have registered. What should I do now?

Sit back and get excited! Add the Google Calendar and stay tuned for links to attend sessions, closer to the day. Spread the word among friends and colleagues so they can make the most of this opportunity too!

04 Should I attend all sessions at the summit?

Feel free to pick the sessions you want to attend. We have some exceptional speakers as part of the TIES 2021 line-up so we recommend that you attend as many sessions live as you can!

05 I love meeting new people at conferences. How can I meet people at TIES if it’s fully virtual?

We know a big part of your summit experience is meeting new people and expanding your network. Use the live chat feature during sessions to interact and share ideas with your fellow attendees. You can follow the event hashtag #ToddleTIES to continue conversations on social media too!

06 This looks like a cool summit! Who is it organized by?

The Inquiry Educators Summit is a community initiative by Toddle. Toddle is an all-in-one teaching-learning platform for schools following the IB or UbD® curriculum frameworks and is used by 25,000+ teachers around the world.

Toddle empowers teachers to work together and better for curriculum planning, student portfolios, assessments, reports, and family communication – all from one intuitive interface!

Spread the love! Let your friends and colleagues know about TIES!
The Inquiry Educators Summit is a community initiative by Toddle. Toddle is an all-in-one teaching-learning platform for schools following the IB or UbD® curriculum frameworks and is used by 25,000+ teachers around the world.

Toddle empowers teachers to work together and better for curriculum planning, student portfolios, assessments, reports, and family communication - all from one intuitive interface!
Know more about Toddle